Pranks... some stuff I've done, other stuff I've just thought seriously about

Deception Perception
Sometimes when I go to not-so-awesome parties, my girlfriends and I need something more than the given entertainment to amuse ourselves. At times like these, we like to instigate a little something called "Deception Perception." This entails creating a new identity for ourselves for each new person we meet. Sometimes I even like to throw in phony accents, the more terrible the accent the better. I might be "Sarah the Pie-Phi from New Jersey" when talking to Steve and then "Jezabel the DG from down the block" when introduced to Joe. It gets most interesting when Mark interrupts me and I have to remember that to him I am "Kelsey the professional ventriloquist." This game is not only fun, but it tests your memory and your improvisational skills.

Musical Mayhem
Speaking of boring parties, if music was controlled by a lone laptop in the corner, sometimes we would also occasionally change the song to either a church hymn, Christmas music, or a monotonous slow jam. Make sure you act really surprised and angry when the music is changed mid-song so that no one will suspect you.

Fictitious Flashing
Needed: 1 skin color tank-top and 1 brown marker
Step 1 - use brown marker to draw fake boobs onto skin colored tank-top. Make as voluptuous as possible.
Step 2 - wear tank-top underneath easily removed outerwear.
Step 3 - drive around town looking for unsuspecting victims.
Step 4 - reveal fictitious boobs by removing outerwear in a repeated motion as desired.