Dating "Do's", but mostly "Dont's"

DON'T EVER ask a girl out via text. If at all possible, ask a girl out in person. Your next best option, or I guess your only other option, would be to ask a girl out over the phone. By "over the phone" I mean in an actual conversation where you are using your voice to say the words "would you like to go out?" Texting a girl to ask her out is shameful and never acceptable, unless you are a mute or deaf. Those are the only possible excuses I can think of.

DON'T grow a shag when your hair is "thinning". In other words, you're balding, so own it. If you aren't ready to rock the "Ring of Hair" (most commonly seen on old men at church), then buzz or shave it. I don't care how spectacular the rest of your hair is, there is no reason you should grow it out. Not even to make a wig out of it for cancer patients. A shag at this point is practically a frontwards comb-over. Not only tacky, but pathetic.

DON'T be so obsessed with sports that you aren't capable of paying attention to your date.
Rookie was a great guy... in theory. His one major downfall was his addiction to sports. That, coupled with his inability to multi-task, made Rookie a very not fun person to go out with.
Sometimes when I'd go over to Rookie's house, he wouldn't be able to get the front door for me because he was in the middle of a very exciting game (keep in mind that to Rookie, every game is a very important game).
One date in particular, Rookie picked me up to go to a movie. On the way to the theater, we listened to sports radio. I talked for about a minute before realizing that Rookie wasn't listening to a word I had said. I'm pretty sure I could have been naked and he wouldn't have noticed. We were a little early for the movie, and sat in the theater for around 15 minutes before it started. Did we talk then? Have a pleasant conversation and get to know each other? No. Rookie was too busy checking the stats on on his phone. It was like I wasn't even there.
Now, hopefully this isn't a new concept to you, but women like attention. It was a little sad that when I broke up with Rookie, I had to explain to this 27-year-old that women don't love being ignored.

DO check to make sure she isn't wearing a wedding ring. It will make things awkward for everyone involved if you don't take time to note that detail. 

DO make sure she is within your age range... and I'm not just talking about jail bait. Some of us look much younger than we really are, and I don't love getting asked out by high school boys.